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Identify Our Identity

Identity is a defined concept which recognizes the brains adaptation to where we come from and who we are as individuals. Identity is to the brain one of the important components that help form our sense of self. Knowing oneself is a basic idea that many believe they can describe themselves on a multiple scale levels. But can someone really know themselves without creating bias towards the beneficial reward factors that goes when giving a basic explanation of themselves. Identity helps form the point of view one uses to describe who we are. In reality, our identity regard multiple factors that are often misunderstood when one describes oneself. These multiple factors require a non-bias point of view when trying to understand a situation in ones past. To form a healthy identity gives ourselves a guard against misunderstanding oneself. Many of the times our results and actions do not compare with our expectations. Often this is a cause of a misplaced identity. We often believe our identity is one way, when in reality it's another. Knowing the limitations and strengths of our identities helps us better explain ourselves and better give way to navigate our environments. Identity is just one of the many contributions our brain uses to help us create the sense of self in a person.


Forms of Intelligence


Forms of Intelligence

There are several types of intelligence. One of the types of intelligence is academic intelligence. Academic intelligence is the ability to form structure cognitive thoughts to apply abstract thinking towards problem solving. This form of intelligence is learned through time and conditioning. Academic intelligence is useful in many aspects of our lives because it deals with solving problems and this knowledge can be applied to everyday situations. Academic intelligence works on basically evidence based knowledge that has been constructed through time from generations to generations.

Another form of intelligence is the ability to associate cognitive learning with emotional aspects. This form of intelligence takes into account emotional aspects that are perceived by an individual. Emotional intelligence varies from individual to individual. While this sort of intelligence may seem unstructured it often is used mostly in the general population. Emotional intelligence has the capabilities to create motivations that help an individual towards solving problems as well as academic intelligence can. The only down side to emotional intelligence is as stated it varies which can be associated with negative and positive aspects.

Cognitive psychologist definition of intelligence is basically the abilities an individual has to store memories and learnings that help create an awareness of structured thought. This definition of intelligence takes into account the working brain and its abilities to function property. For instance, individuals that are born with down syndrome have a brain deficiency that limits their abilities to create intelligence. Cognitive psychologist takes into account structured learning, memory systems storage, and sensory input capabilities to help define intelligence. The difference between how cognitive psychologist define intelligence and other forms of intelligence is consciousness. Consciousness as we have read is the ability to associate different workings of the brain in a combination effort to create a state of awareness.  

Having consciousness allows us to interpret the world around us. This interpretation with conditioning allows us to create knowledge of the world around us. While some knowledge can seem outrages it is intelligence none of the matter. This is because the individual was able to use multiple aspects that allowed him to interpret what he is perceiving and combination that perception with knowledge that already has been obtained. This ability to create intelligence is unique to the human species. While other species can create a sense of direction towards their survival. Humans can create thought about the direction that our survival techniques lead us towards.


Can anyone think of another form of intelligence?


Let's Talk Psychology...


Let's Talk Psychology...

Psychological aspects can be seen all around us. Take for example the gender roles that are shaped through the social environment they are in. Men are assigned a role and woman are assigned a role as well. Men are expected to be more manly and women to be more feminine. Of course in a traditionally sense of view. Imagine if the roles were reversed. Can gender roles be switched?
